

What You’ll Need:
• Upload an individual photo

• A Personal Recommendation (ask someone who knows you well, not a family member, to submit this for you via this website). You will need their contact information to fill out the application (email and phone number). They will receive an email with a link for them to use to fill out the reference.

• A Pastoral reference (ask a pastor who knows you well to submit this for you via this website). You will need their contact information to fill out the application (email and phone number). They will receive an email with a link for them to use to fill out the reference.

• Early Application Fee: $39 (March 26 – August 13, 2024) *Nonrefundable

• Late Application Fee: $60 (August 14 – September 20, 2024 @ Midnight) *Non-refundable

• Late Enrollment accepted until September 20th at Midnight.

How to Apply:
• Log in using your current VCC account. if you do not have an existing account please click the register button and create a new account.

• Fill out the application below, attach your photo, and pay the application fee at the end of the form. (Application Fee not refundable)

• After submitting the application, please check with your personal and pastoral references to be sure they got the link to fill out the reference form. This process can take some time, so we recommend that you check in with your references regularly to ensure both forms are submitted promptly.
